Predefined Reports
The following reports are integrated with Call Center Stats PRO 2:
- Distribution: by queue, by month, by week, by day, by week day, by hour, by URL, and a detailed report.
- Answered Calls: by queue, by wait time, by agent, by disconnection cause, by duration, transferred calls, and a detailed report
- Answered and Unanswered Service Level Reports
- Unanswered Calls: by queue, by disconnection cause, by URL and a detailed report
- Agent Availability, Sessions and Pause Durations, Call Dispositions, and a Detailed Paused Report and Session Report
- and many more!

Inline Help
While browsing grids you will see queue events and detailed information about each step in a queue call flow. Some of the fields vary in meaning depending on the event involved. We added inline help to these reports so you can understand the data in an easier way. Just place the mouse over those fields and a tooltip will appear explaining each one.

HTML5 Charts
Charts are being displayed using HTML5 and Javascript (no need for Adobe Flash player). Mouse over each bar on a chart to see its information in detail.

Search Form
Are you looking for a specific call? A search form will show a quick result from your query. You can search by CallerId, Agent, Queue, Call Duration, unique id and Date Ranges.

PDF & Excel Export
Each grid shown has its own export icon that will let you download the viewed information in PDF file or CSV (comma separated values) for Excel compatible spreadsheets. PDF files are colorfull for better understanding. CSV files allows to work with cells and perform any calculation you want.

Detail Drill-Down Grids
The results grouped in each grid can be viewed in details just clicking into its linked item. A drill-down grid will appear showing the calls in details with Asterisk Events and other relevant information like caller-id, agent, timing information, etc.

Realtime parsing of queue log
Using an innovative tool, the software parse the queue information each time an event have been logged. At this point you can perform a realtime query for situations till present without any delay. Also for who is interested, we keep another log parser for grab information at specific time using cron jobs.

Listen to Recordings
You can record all the calls connected and our tool will convert them into MP3 format to save you disk space and show them on each detailed record. The actions will let you listen with a simple but functional player or download as a file

User Access & Levels
User management tool allows to create, modify or delete as many users as you need. You can assign different roles to each user and define which queue or agent can be audited per role or even per user.

Queues & Agents Dictionary
As any Queue is numbered in Asterisk and Agents are also defined with its device or channel we created a dictionary. The dictionary tool will allow you to see the customized friendly name for each one.

Scheduled Reports & Alarms
A new tool allows you to select multiple reports and send them via email in specific days and hours. Includes an notification tool that will inform to the given email/s when a specified variable inside a report has been exceeded a given value.

Realtime Information
The Realtime dashboard shows agent activity, calls waiting, timers, etc. There is also a summary table with calls offered/answered for that day.

Realtime Actions
As a manager, you can SPY (or listen to) the calls in progress. Also you can Coach your Agent using whisper method during the call. Another action will let you steal the call from an agent. It is also possible to pause/unapuse or remove members from a queue.

A REST API is available for your developer leisure. Make your own reports and presentation, extracting data with simple REST requests.

Report Designer
You can customize the reports with your own metrics or formulas. No coding required. Everything from the included web-based setup utility.
Trixbox, PBXinaFlash, Elastix, AsteriskNow, FreePBX© support
The software works with all the popular Asterisk distributions.
Fine grained permissions
Asternic Call Center Stats PRO has its own access control system. A flexible permission system allows the administrator to assign specific queues or agents to a specific user. It is also possible to limit access to certain reports or actions via the token based ACL system.